Reef Check

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Georg Heiss

Georg_0458Marine geologist

Reef Check coordinator Germany/Europe since1998.

Chairman Reef Check e.V. (German registered charity)

Consultant for
- coral reef monitoring and management
- reform of university education (Egypt)

Research and training activites in fossil and living reefs of the Red Sea (Egypt, Jordan, Djibouti, Sudan) and Indian Ocean (Mayotte, Seychelles, Madagascar, Réunion, Kenya) since 1991.

Georg is certified diver since 1991.

PhD 1994 at GEOMAR research center in Kiel

Reef Check with Georg:

2005: February in Thailand and Myanmar

June in Dahab
March in Burma

2003: May/June in Dahab and Sharm el Sheikh at Sinai Divers

2003: February in Burma

2002: Sharm el Sheikh at Sinai Divers

1997: Jasmin Diving Center in Hurghada, Egypt