Reef Check

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ez 2019 02 titel



E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit ist eine entwicklungspolitische Website, die einschlägige Themen der Entwicklungspolitik diskutiert und erörtert, wie dieses Politikfeld mit anderen wie Frieden, Sicherheit, Handel, Wirtschaft oder Ökologie zusammenhängt.

Es erscheinen täglich neue Artikel, sowie E+Z/D+C, eine gedruckte Zweimonatszeitschrift und ein monatliches e-Paper.

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dc 2019 02 titel

 – by Jenny Krutschinna

Due to their great biodiversity, tropical coral reefs are often likened to rainforests. They are indeed ecosystems of supreme relevance. In spite of their incalculable value to humanity, they are under threat all over the world. Apart from global warming, the main harm is caused by overfishing and pollution.
About the journal: 


D+C Development and Cooperation is a website that is up-dated daily. We discuss international-development affairs and explore how they relate to other fields of policy-making, such as security, peace, trade, business and environmental protection. On Mondays, our Nowadays column offers insights into the daily life of different countries around the world.



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